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SCAUG Sub-Chapter Guidelines

SCAUG has a proven history over the past quarter century as being a leading influence in GIS within the South Central Region of the United States. During this time SCAUG has grown from a small group of dedicated GIS users to one of the largest GIS professional organizations within the region. Comprised of members from virtually every walk of the GIS profession our strength lies in our professional diversity. SCAUG builds upon this local strength by encouraging local Sub-Chapter development as recognized in the existing bylaws.

Benefits of becoming a SCAUG Sub-Chapter
  • Recognition as part of a GIS Professional Organization
  • Direct access to Esri.
  • No cost to become a Sub-Chapter
  • Professional partnerships with other GIS related organizations
  • Event registration and management
  • Discounted onsite & online training
  • Contact & membership management
  • Organizational specific benefits
  • SCAUG Website Resources
  • 25+ years of professional knowledge
Any group of GIS Users within the SCAUG region can submit a request in writing to the Regional SCAUG President at anytime for consideration of SCAUG Sub-Chapter status.

The Regional SCAUG Board will work with the local SCAUG State Representative and the local GIS Users to assist them in reasonable efforts necessary to meet the initial requirements in a timely manner.

Initial Requirements to become a SCAUG Sub-Chapter

  • Establish a local committee with a minimum of the following positions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Create Sub-Chapter Charter that is in harmony with existing SCAUG Charter
  • Create Sub-Chapter Bylaws that are in harmony with existing SCAUG Bylaws
  • Create tax ID number
  • Open local bank account
  • Share contact / membership database with SCAUG
Proof of requirements must be submitted along with the Sub-Chapter Agreement

Annual Requirements to be a SCAUG Sub-Chapter
  • Maintain a local committee with a minimum of the following positions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Hold 2 (at a minimum) committee meetings
  • Host 1 (at a minimum) user group meeting
  • Operate as set forth in the adopted Charter & Bylaws
  • Maintain a local bank account
  • Prepare and submit annual taxes to IRS (SCAUG is not responsible for any tax issues)
  • Submit semi-annual Sub-Chapter report to SCAUG President
  • The designated SCAUG State Representative is to be the primary contact for the Sub-Chapter
  • Ensure the local Sub-Chapter contacts & members are in the SCAUG database
  • Submit minutes of all official Sub-Chapter meetings to the designated SCAUG State Representative and SCAUG President.

Any group of GIS Users within the SCAUG region can submit a request in writing to the Regional SCAUG President at anytime for consideration of SCAUG Sub-Chapter status.

The Regional SCAUG Board will work with the local SCAUG State Representative and the local GIS Users to assist them in reasonable efforts necessary to meet the initial requirements in a timely manner.

SCAUG is a not for profit organization dedicated to benefit users of ESRI’s geographic information software | Founded in 1990 | © SCAUG 2019 |

South Central Arc Users Group

P.O. Box 96

Ardmore, OK 73402

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